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Soothe that baby booty! Help provide relief to baby’s diaper rash and irritation with Motherlove’s organic Diaper Balm. This herbal, cloth diaper-safe diaper cream is an all-natural, plant-based way to soothe a baby’s bottom. Many moms find that Diaper Balm not only helps soothe existing irritation but also prevents future discomfort.

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Soothe that baby booty! Help provide relief to baby’s diaper rash and irritation with Motherlove’s organic Diaper Balm. This herbal, cloth diaper-safe diaper cream is an all-natural, plant-based way to soothe a baby’s bottom. Many moms find that Diaper Balm not only helps soothe existing irritation but also prevents future discomfort.

Use organic Diaper Balm to:

– Soothe diaper rash & yeast imbalances

– Use with cloth diapers

– Prevent future discomfort

Diaper Balm contains antifungal and antibacterial herbs—Oregon grape root and myrrh gum. This balm rubs on easily and absorbs quickly, allowing the herbs to do their job without leaving a greasy residue. Apply between diaper changes to reduce diaper rash discomfort and restore yeast balance.


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MotherLove Diaper Balm